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use Hatch

As a financial adviser, you want to make the running of your business as simple as possible, while still generating profits and delivering the best possible client experience.

Hatch makes running your business, generating profits and providing a great client experience easier than ever, with tools to:


Align sales and marketing 


Better target and convert leads


Personalise and segment your marketing and communications


Gather and analyse valuable data to improve strategic decision-making


Find out how three existing Hatch clients have used this resource to transform their sales and marketing operations, so they can achieve their core business objectives…


Company A: 7 advisers, 2 paraplanners and 4 support staff

Empowering sales performance with Hatch’s sales tools

Our client signed up for Hatch with four core priorities:

  • Delivering organic growth
  • Enhancing customer relationships
  • Tracking and forecasting their sales pipeline
  • Managing adviser performance

Initially they were receiving many leads from Vouched for and a combination of professional/client referrals, their issue wasn’t so much getting leads in, it was managing the onboarding process and having improved, more effective touchpoints with the clients.

Previously, when enquiries came through, they landed in a generic email inbox, to then be picked up by admin manually, passed to advisers manually and there was no way for the advisers to “paint a picture” of events/conversations so far.

Since signing up for Hatch, they’ve been able to elevate their sales efforts, deliver commercial results and offer an improved client experience.

Hatch’s sales tools are becoming their secret weapon for delivering exceptional client experiences and hitting their sales targets. By allowing them to see which advisers are closing the most new client opportunities, they can truly optimise their sales performance.


How did they do it?

Their advisers adapted to using desktop and phone apps, so they now spend less time focusing on admin and internal communications, and instead do more of what they are good at and enjoy doing.

The powerful nature of Hatch contact forms, automated emails and activity tracking have allowed them to roll out the red carpet for new enquiries.

The leadership team, meanwhile, are automating, tracking and forecasting their pipeline value, and managing adviser performance both on customer service and conversion. 

They’re getting real-time notifications of prospect activity, allowing them to respond in a timely manner, as well as quick and clear sales reporting. Being able to see which channels such as VouchedFor or Professional Introducers their new clients are coming from, allows them to focus their efforts in a much more profitable way.

Company B: 3 advisers  and 5 support staff

Mastering the client experience with HubSpot’s marketing tools

Our client had five main objectives:

  • Seamless communication with prospects and clients
  • Audience segmentation for targeted marketing campaigns
  • Personalised content and messages that resonate
  • Creating captivating landing pages and forms to capture leads
  • Analysing campaign performance through data-rich insights

They primarily attracted leads through VouchedFor and professional/client referrals. However they wanted to drive more leads through increased marketing and reduce the number of prospects lost early on in the life-cycle. 

With so many businesses competing for the time and attention of their audience, our client wanted to stand out, increase engagement and personalise their offers. 

Hatch is giving them the tools to deliver an engaging and personalised service at scale, so they can create better quality enquiries and happier customers.


How did they do it?

With Hatch’s marketing tools at their disposal, our client’s marketing team are taking care of all client and marketing communications, building confidence that they are filling the pipeline with engaged and qualified leads.

Using both Hatch's marketing tools coupled with Content Store, They’re now segmenting their audience into different categories, so they can send well-curated email communications that reflect who they’re aiming to reach, automating nurture sequences and creating high conversion landing pages and forms to capture leads.

At the same time, they’re using Hatch to test and optimise these pages, and make data-driven decisions.


Company C: 17 advisers, a BDM and 26 support staff

Achieving Sales and Marketing Alignment

Our client is using Hatch to achieve five key goals:

  • Integrating sales and marketing efforts under one platform
  • Leveraging sales tools for prospect engagement and conversion
  • Utilising marketing tools for segmented campaigns and personalised content
  • Effective management of the entire client journey from lead to customer
  • Comprehensive reporting for holistic insights and strategic decision-making

With a large client base which they are keen to grow, receiving many website enquiries from their marketing and digital media activity. 

Their core problem was the use of multiple technologies such as IO , Mailchimp, Hootsuite and more which had led to a disconnect between the sales and marketing activities, resulting in inconsistent and difficult to surface data.

They have embraced Hatch’s full suite to redefine their approach, unifying their sales and marketing efforts within one platform to maximise their return on investment.


How did they do it?

Our client has a clear distinction between sales and marketing, delivered through Hatch, and client management, delivered within their back office system. 

With Hatch, they were impressed by the reporting functionality and how that interlinks with the sales dashboard and marketing tools, making activities such as progress meetings and sales support much easier. For example, the activity screen on a contact record (which chronologically records all interactions a user has with the business) gives a single source of truth to conversations, so no longer are business critical notes on a contact stored in word docs or the dreaded notepad.

The transparent nature of the activity screen also allows for a much more personal and improved client experience, as you have information and conversation history throughout the client journey.

Leadership, advisers, paraplanners and admin teams are working collaboratively within Hatch to deliver the best possible customer experience.

The result? A streamlined client journey from lead to customer, all while benefiting from comprehensive reporting that is guiding their strategic decisions.