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A better client experience - set up automated meeting bookings

Time to automate meeting bookings? Part of the shift to a more digital business is automating low value, time-consuming tasks. One area is meeting bookings. Whether for client reviews, professional connections or prospects, the simple task of getting a date in the diary can seem onerous at times. 

That’s where digital tools come in and this is all part of our new HATCH proposition for advisers - you can read more about it here.

Automated meeting scheduling tools that link to Microsoft 365 and gmail can provide several benefits, including:

Improved perception of your business: Using these types of tools will help establish credibility as a future-thinking, digitally enabled firm that likes to make life easy for its clients. 

Time-saving: These tools can automate the process of scheduling meetings, reducing the time and effort required to coordinate diaries and find mutually available windows.

Increased efficiency: Automated scheduling tools can help ensure that meetings are scheduled at the most appropriate times, minimising the chances of scheduling conflicts or double-bookings.

Improved accessibility: Automated scheduling tools can be accessed from anywhere, allowing users to schedule and manage meetings regardless of their location.

Better organisation: Automated scheduling tools can integrate with other Microsoft 365 tools, such as calendars and email, to provide a centralised location for managing all aspects of a meeting.

Better communication: These tools can send out meeting invites and reminders, reducing the chances of missed meetings or confusion over the details of a meeting.

How do they work?

The screenshots below show how the HubSpot meeting functionality works with our Hatch implementation.

You have two options.

1 - Choose when works best for you

The link with gmail and 365 enables you to select times from your calendar that you want to offer the recipient. These times automatically populate your email and the recipient simply clicks the one that best suits them. Nothing more to it.


2 - Give the recipient complete freedom

With this approach the recipient can choose any time that is available in your calendar. They won’t be able to see any of your calendar bookings, they’ll simply be presented with available times and they can then select one. This will send you confirmation and confirm it in your calendar.

This approach is great for prospects and professional connections where you want to make it as simple and easy to book time with you. Of course, you can choose whether you want to make this face to face or a video call, if it’s the latter you can also include the video calling details.


In all cases the email and confirmation is tracked and logged in HubSpot. The meeting record will appear against the contact and you can add notes to the meeting log for future reference. Simples.

Want to find out more about how Hatch can help your business?

Book a demo today and lets talk.



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