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Written by Hatch | Apr 18, 2023 5:02:38 PM

Email Marketing: Drag & Drop Editor

Designing a beautiful, effective email can be tricky and time-consuming if you don’t have experience or access to a developer. With HubSpot’s drag and drop email builder,  you can create professional-looking campaigns that display perfectly on any device. 

Email Marketing: Settings

Customise your email, making sure the recipient sees exactly what you want them to. 

Email: Marketing Analytics

Measure your marketing effectiveness using HubSpot's built in analytics tools. 


Turn HubSpot into the source of truth for all your data to get powerful, comprehensive analytics reports. Seamlessly connect your CRM data to your marketing, sales, and service data. Integrate data from your existing business apps to HubSpot to unite all your data — and build powerful custom reports.

Custom Report Builder

With HubSpot's custom report builder, you can analyze multiple data sources across HubSpot. The difference between the custom report builder and other types of HubSpot reports is that you can surface data from marketing and sales activities in addition to objects. 

Reporting: Analytics Tools

Marketers have access to more data than ever before. But that data is hard to analyze when it lives in separate systems. It can be a challenge to track performance and get campaign insights.

Start making smarter, data-backed decisions with HubSpot’s marketing analytics and dashboard software. See how marketing interactions drive revenue, track site analytics, and get detailed reports for all your marketing channels.


Activity Feed

View all interactions associated with a specific object. This can be filtered to show or hide specific events. Important events can be pinned to the top, so all HubSpot users will see it whenever they navigate to that object.


With HubSpot’s drag-and-drop form builder, you can easily create custom forms for your website without any technical expertise. Every visitor who fills out your forms will automatically be added to your database, so you can nurture them with personalized messaging and email campaigns.

Socials: Editor

Spend less time monitoring social media, and more time nurturing relationships.

Use HubSpot's social media management software to publish content to social networks from the same place you build campaigns; set up keyword monitoring so you never miss a mention; and link all your interactions back to your CRM so you have contextual conversations and can report on social media ROI.

Socials: Analytics

Out-of-the-box social reports compare the performance of different platforms, campaigns, and publishing times. Because HubSpot integrates with your CRM, you can see the visits, leads, and clients social media is generating for your company.


Meetings: Request a Meeting

Give your clients the tools to book in a meeting. Meeting links can be created for individual users, groups, or a round-robin allocation between team members. 


Meetings: Settings

Customise your meeting link to suit your preferences. For example, you can enforce a buffer time between meetings,. Or you can ensure you're given enough notice period before a meeting, to prevent a client booking in a meeting 15 minutes from now!


Create powerful automation using HubSpot's 'no-code' node based Workflows. 

Workflows will listen for an event trigger, then procedurally run through each node step by step. Workflows can be beautifully simple; "When someone fills out my meeting link, send me a notification", or they can be infinitely complex. You can use "IF/THEN" logic to filter enrolled records further., allowing you to completely control how granular your workflows are.


Connect HubSpot to your preferred Email solution! This allows you to utilize some of HubSpot's fantastic features directly from your email software. Compose emails in an instant by utilising pre-made email 'Templates'. Attach frequently used 'Documents'. You can even automatically insert your meeting link to allow the client to book in time with you directly from that email!