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Tech STACK Tetris: Building Efficiency, One Block at a Time!

How guilty is your business about latching on to the next shiny new piece of software that comes along?

So many firms create undue complexity and pain with the addition of technologies that they think will solve problems. Sometimes they do, but often they also create challenges.

Beyond the sector-specific back office and investment platforms the software list is endless with familiar names such as Mailchimp, DotDigital, Constant Contact, Hootsuite, Calendy, Pipedrive, Buffer, Typeform, WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, Eventbrite, Zapier and so many more!

The issues arise as many firms adopt these new technologies without any clear plan or consideration of integrations and data management. This creates problems that include data in silos, user adoption, licence costs and management and, of course, the very familiar but forever troublesome, double data entry.

The utopia is a single source of truth, where data is easily accessible and flows seamlessly around the business whilst continuing to maintain its validity.  

Is this achievable? Yes it is, if you effectively plan, consolidate and integrate the software you use.

Consolidating and integrating your tech stack offers multiple benefits:

1. Enhanced efficiency: It streamlines processes and allows for better data sharing, integration, and automation across various systems. It reduces manual effort, minimises errors and improves overall operational efficiency.

2. Cost reduction: Licensing fees, hardware requirements, maintenance, and training all add up. Consolidation eliminates unnecessary duplication and lowers expenses associated with managing multiple systems.

3. Improved data management: Better data management and data flow across different systems ensures accurate and timely data synchronisation, reducing data silos and providing a holistic view of business and client operations. 

Addressing regulatory requirements, such as Consumer Duty, through greater client insight and improved segmentation, is also helped by improved data management.

4. Enhanced collaboration: Employees can better access and share information, collaborate on client work, and work together across various applications. It’s easy to see that this leads to increased productivity and a better client experience.

5. Scalability and flexibility: It’s easier to scale and adapt to changing business needs with fewer platforms. A foundation of software tools that can accommodate future growth and easily integrate new technologies or applications is massively beneficial. 

6. Improved client experience: A unified view of customer data, interactions, and preferences is the place to be. A holistic view allows businesses to personalise client experiences, provide consistent, incredible client experiences, and deliver targeted engagement. Ultimately, it enhances client satisfaction, loyalty, retention and referrals!

7. Simplified IT management: Less is more and is typically more straightforward than handling multiple disparate systems. It reduces complexity, simplifies IT infrastructure, and lowers the burden on IT teams, keeping costs in check. 

8. Enhanced security and compliance: It becomes easier to implement robust security measures, monitor access controls, and enforce data governance policies with fewer systems and user entry points. This reduces vulnerabilities, improves data protection, and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.

It’s all about delivering a better, more efficient and compelling experience for your clients, enabling your business to focus on growth.

Delivering a great client experience through a consolidated and integrated technology stack is like playing Tetris with blocks that easily fit together, creating a seamless and efficient experience for both you and your clients.

Find out about how Hatch can help you do just this.  


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