
Unlocking efficiency: HubSpot’s AI tools empowering financial advisors

Written by Hatch | May 24, 2024 8:57:04 AM

As an independent financial advisor (IFA), you’re constantly juggling client needs, market fluctuations and countless admin tasks.

So imagine if tools were available that could help you streamline your workflow and focus instead on what matters most - servicing your clients. Well, that time has arrived as HubSpot's suite of AI-powered tools is transforming how many IFAs are operating.

Craft targeted content

HubSpot’s Content Hub uses AI to help you create personalised and relevant content that boosts your brand and drives engagement. It's about crafting dynamic experiences that speak directly to your audience’s needs.

The tool implements keyword research to uncover high opportunity topics. Within seconds, the Content Hub suggests titles, creates an outline, a headline and analyses your writing style and audience to suggest improvements and optimise the copy for search engines.

AI can also personalise your content for different segments of your audience, with the brand voice tool helping you tailor it to specific groups, such as retirees, young investors or small business owners.

You no longer need to spend time banging your head against your desk if you’re finding it hard to come up with new content ideas. HubSpot’s Content Remix tool generates fresh ideas from what you have already written. 

If you want to write a blog post, simply input your desired topic or a previous blog into the tool and results will analyse industry trends, client data and competitor content, delivering possible topics for future content.

By creating high-quality content that reflects your client’s needs, challenges and priorities, you’ll be in a stronger position to establish yourself as a thought leader in your sector and attract organic leads.

Personalise client communications

Your clients will be frustrated when they receive an email that’s not tailored to them and their specific challenges, and might even unsubscribe from your mailing list if they feel they’re getting too many irrelevant communications.

But if personalising and targeting every single email seems like a lengthy process, HubSpot’s AI email generator  can help you.

For example, it can analyse client data to segment your audience based on demographics, investment goals, risk tolerance and past interactions, so you can send targeted emails that resonate with each client.

HubSpot’s AI can also automatically populate emails with a client's name, investment portfolio details and market updates they may need to be aware of.

This can help you build stronger relationships with your clients and provide a much better client experience overall, which can in turn encourage greater loyalty, and possibly even referrals to their friends, family members and colleagues.

Automate repetitive tasks

Much of your day can easily be taken up with repetitive and - frankly - mind-numbing admin tasks.

However, HubSpot’s AI Content Hub, Service Hub and Commerce Hub now do much of this work for you, and therefore free up valuable time that you can use more constructively.

For example, you can streamline the onboarding process by automating tasks such as data collection, document generation and e-signature requests, and thereby deliver a smooth and efficient client experience from the outset.

Alternatively, you can use HubSpot to integrate with other software platforms, so client data is automatically imported. Not only is that quicker, it also reduces the likelihood of errors creeping into your datasets.

Or maybe you want to streamline your appointment booking process. With HubSpot, clients can schedule appointments directly through your website or online calendar using an AI-powered scheduling tool, which eliminates the back-and-forth of phone calls and emails and saves everyone lots of time.

You want to spend your time speaking with and working on behalf of your clients, and AI can make this happen.

Gain valuable client insights

HubSpot's AI tools gather and analyse huge quantities of client data, such as email engagement and website activity, and identify trends and patterns in their behaviour and preferences.

You can then act upon your findings, tailor your services accordingly and ideally, be in a position to anticipate clients’ needs and be proactive. Imagine if you could use historical data and market trends to predict future client behaviour, or identify clients who are at risk of falling out of the sales funnel or moving to another IFA.

This could be transformative for your businesses and set you up to provide a more personalised, bespoke service and foster a sense of loyalty and trust. How many times have you found yourself at work feeling weighed down by a lengthy to-do list and bemoaning that there aren’t enough hours in the day?

AI can help you work far more efficiently, so you can use the time freed up to truly concentrate on your clients and do the type of work that you find worthwhile, rewarding and beneficial to your wider business.

If you feel inspired to adopt and make the most of AI, we can help you. We've outlined how you can create the basis of an entire marketing campaign for your financial advice firm - in just a few prompts.

Using the latest iteration of ChatGPT and the amazing tools available in the HubSpot/Hatch integration, you can engage with your audience in a targeted, effective and efficient way, and spend your time focusing on delivering a great service to your clients.

Book a demo with our experts today and learn more about the many time saving tools inside the HubSpot/Hatch integration.